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Why do you require to perform scaling and polishing?

Dental cleaning involves the removal of plaque (a thin, sticky layer of food, bacteria, and saliva) and hard tartar (calculus) deposits that have built up on your teeth over time. Your teeth are constantly covered in saliva that contains calcium as well as other elements that aid in strengthening and protecting your teeth. Although this is certainly beneficial, it also can cause us to build up calcium deposits on our teeth. This chalky substance can build a over time, a bit as the limescale deposits that are on the bottom of the kettle. It is usually tooth-colored and may be confused with the teeth, however, it also can vary between black and brown color.

If tartar is allowed to accumulate on teeth, it can create the perfect conditions for bacteria to flourish alongside the gums. The reason for polishing and cleaning is to leave the surface of the teeth perfectly clean and smooth so that bacteria do not adhere to them, and thus give you a better chance of keeping your teeth healthy in your regular hygiene routine.

  • To get rid of staining that is caused by foods (coffee/tea) as well as tobacco.
  • To eliminate calculus or tartar which helps in preventing gum diseases that are the primary reason for gum receding, loose teeth, and eventually tooth loss.
  • For screening to detect oral diseases like decay as well as any dental cavities.

What are the processes that are involved in polishing and scaling?

  • Scaling

Instruments that are specially designed to gently eliminate calculus and plaque deposits without damaging your teeth. Ultrasonic scalers use vibrations to dislodge the hardened tartar that is stuck to teeth or between teeth. Water sprays are also employed to clean the plaque. There could be a high-pitched buzzing sound coming from the scaler during the scaling process.

  • Polishing

Polishing is typically done after scaling to get rid of the stains on your teeth and make them appear smooth and shiny. Polishing is performed using an elastic rubber cup that spins. Prophylaxis paste, a toothpaste-like substance is sucked into the cup before being spun over the tooth.

Prophy jet polishing employs an air-pressured spray and water that is infused with sodium carbonate to get rid of plaque, stains, and soft particles from your teeth. It can taste a bit salty.

Do you think it is harmful to whiten your teeth?

Cleanings are not painful, and the above-mentioned sensations don’t cause any discomfort. A lot of our patients have told us they enjoy their cleaning and are awestruck by the gentle feel of their smiles afterward! If the experience isn’t as pleasing, it may result from a number of factors, including exposed dentine or the surface of the root (not hazardous, but it can make cleaning a bit sluggish) or infected gum tissues.

What’s the distinction between whitening and scaling and polishing?

Teeth tend to become yellow as we age, and also with the continuous intake of foods that stain your teeth, such as tea, coffee, and red wine. Also tobacco.

Teeth Whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that helps to lighten the color of the teeth. Polishing and scaling is a method of removing the dental plaque and tartar and extrinsic staining that is present on the outside of the tooth.

Polishing and scaling clean your teeth, stopping and reducing your gum problems. After polishing and scaling teeth may appear lighter in the case of numerous stains visible on the exterior surface of teeth. If the color of the teeth is yellow it will not show any changes following a teeth cleaning because the yellow color originates within the tooth.

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